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How to Activate PBS Passport on Roku? | Pbs.org.activate

PBS Passport on Roku


  1. 1. Start activating the PBS Passport account from your desktop, computer or laptop using the new versions of Chrome, Firefox, etc
  2. 2. Firstly, check for the mail in the inbox from PBS with the passport activation code and instructions
  3. 3. After that, click the click here to Activate Now link
  4. 4. Secondly, visit org.activatesite to get the email
  5. 5. Moreover, enter the activation code in there and click the Submit button
  6. 6. Next, this will redirect you to the activation screen where you can see the logo of the local station
  7. 7. Similarly, sign in to your account via Google or PBS account or else create one PBS account
  8. 8. Next appears the confirmation prompt asking for confirmation, so tick the checkbox that sates you to enable the PBS to share your viewing history
  9. 9. Click the Confirm option and finally, the activation process is complete 
  10. 10. You can now click Get Started option to start streaming the video content 
  11. 11. Activating the PBS Passport on Roku is simple, where start with downloading the channel from the Roku channel app
  12. 12. And then enter the code into the pbs.org.activate site


You can contact our technical support team at +1-844-879-5200 for further information and doubts regarding pbs.org.activate.

Source: http://www.pbs-activate.com/pbs-passport-on-roku